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 - Hint: If you used to log in with an email and password you will need to update to a Username and Password. This document will help you!




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CanPKU+ proudly presents:

Customizable Homepages!

Public Homepage - This is for anyone who has not logged in. It provides basic access to most of the website. (Pretty much, this page)

Registered User Homepage - This homepages offers those who have logged in a bit more access to the website. This will include some of the documents contained within our document search as well as access to some event listings for example.

Members Homepage - This homepage is dedicated to our current members. They hold an active, non expired membership. They will see Members only content such as access to specific assistance (Disability Tax Credit application assistance), event pricing, members only events and more.

Volunteer Hompages - This homepage is dedicated to our current volunteers. In order to be current you would either need to be an active member and a previous volunteer in the last 3 years, or an active member in the last 12 months. Onboarding volunteers will be given temporary access in order to complete their onboarding. If this is not completed in the allowable time, they will be removed from this access and returned to their previous level. This level will offer access to operational team information (such as "Advocates") Volunteers will also have access to either registered users or members, based on their current activation.

Operations Homepages - This homepage is dedicated to our current operational team. These include our chairs for rares and those that hold chair positions of various operational activities such as Newseditor, Francophone Relations Chair. This will provide access to operational only documents, meeting information, and other operational content. This level will offer access to operational committee information (Such as message board for collaborations) Operations members will have access to all previous levels of content.

Board Homepages - This homepage is dedicated to our current Board Members. This will allow access to board only documents, meeting information and other board member content. Board members will have access to all previous levels of content.

If you feel you should have access to a homepage you do not currently have access to, please reach out to so that we may review and update access permission if needed.

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