Please use the pages below this tab in the sitemap to search for various resources. Or you can click on the underlined items below to be taken to the correct page.
Documents are uploads or weblinks to material that can fall under a variety of subjects known as topics and sub-topics.
Sometimes it is easiest to simply search a topic, when you do this, it will open a page of results but this page will also have folders that show all the subtopics and number of articles in each.
Explore the various ways to search for items including by language under "Type".
You can also search by Author, Title or Date of publication. Dates may not be exactly as expected. The dates appear as January of the year you are looking for - but January may not be the month you are expecting :)o
There may be some articles you come across that you do not have access to. This may mean one of two things.
1) You are not signed into the website (try JOIN or Login)
2) You don't have the correct settings on your account. This may mean you are trying to view member documents but are not a member (AGM, Disability Tax Credit Assistance for example) or you are not a board member and therefore can't access the board minutes. This may also be true of some operation files.
Articles are a different kind of document. These are more blog style entries. Again, you can search by various methods including "Categories". This is much the same as the topics and sub topics from a document search. It narrows down the search.
Interested in writing for CanPKU+? Let us know!
Links - This page is under construction so apologies for it not being quite ready. We are adding links to this page, but also want to move many of these links to become Articles that can provide a bit more information. This process will take time. If your favourite link has disappeared, have a peek on the Articles page for it.
Topic Tabs - If we have a collection of articles and documents, perhaps also forms and other things, we may just make a tab of its own.
"Disability Tax Credit Application Assistance" (For Members). This page can only be viewed by current members as it is a member benefit. It will provide a collection of documents and articles on applying for the Disability Tax Credit as well as highlighting areas of advocacy that has taken place regarding the Disability Tax Credit. Most importantly it will highlight the steps to applying for the credit and how CanPKU+ can help. We hope this helps with some of the frustrations and backlog experienced recently. We appreciate your patience during this transition.