Our Allied Disorders in Canada

Click the links below to be directed to downloads and resources specific to your condition.

The maps below are interactive. You are able to zoom in and out to see better and get a more detailed showing of a specific area (such as your province or city).

We do suggest that if you are looking for something specific you zoom all the way in. Especially for clinics as Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal have more than one clinic, but you only see one until you reach city level.

These maps are not perfect. They need your help. They are showing the people that are in our database. The addresses are only as good as what are provided to us. If people move, the map will become out of date. Please keep us up to date on your most recent address. If you have not registered, please do so and we will update the map to reflect new information.



Adults and Children

Adults Only

Children Only

If you see an error on this map, please email tanya.chute@canpku.org for an update.

Metabolic Clinics in Canada:


Winnipeg, MB

  • Winnipeg Children's Hospital


Moncton, NB

*The NB clinic ONLY sees PKU.

All other allied disorders attend IWK in Nova Scotia


St. John's, NL

  • Janeway's Children's Health 


Halifax, NS

*The hospital can only admit children unless related to prenatal or women's health issues.


Hamilton, ON

  • McMasters Children's Hospital

Kingston, ON

  • Kingston General/Hotel Dieu Hospital

London, ON

Ottawa, ON

  • Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)

Toronto ON

*Only used for prenatal and women's health issues.


Montreal, QC

  • Hospital Ste-Justine
  • CHUM - Hospital St. Luc - Pavillon R St.
  • Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants/ Montreal Children's/McGill University

Sherbrooke, QC

  • CHUS Fleurimont- Genetique medicale

Quebec City, QC



Saskatoon, SK

  • Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program, Kinsmen Children's Centre



PKU - Phenylketonuria/PCU - Phénylcétonurie

MSUD - Maple Syrup Urine Disease/ MSUD - La leucinose

HCU - Homocystinuria/ HCU - L’homocystinurie

TYR - Tyrosinemia Type 1/ HT-1 La tyrosinémie de type 1

 UCD - Urea Cycle Disorder/ UCD - Trouble du cycle de l'urée

 Other/Autre OR No Data/Pas de données

*Postal Codes may not be exact as some had to be corrected based on city to be able to upload to this map.

Please let us know if you see any errors on this map at tanya.chute@canpku.org

Our Allied Disorders Across Canada

**These maps were last updated March 2023


We recognize coverage across the country differs based on the province or territory and in some cases the area of the province or territory you live in.

We are working to obtain a reference of what is available - however - these are ever changing. Please let us know if you see something that need updating!

Nutricia Products - Foods and Formula

We are real people!

We did an email blast in 2020 asking our community to send us some of their "faces" so we could create and update a flyer about CanPKU+. It is important to use to use REAL faces of our community when ever we can. Check out the results.

We are looking for your faces again!

With the growth of CanPKU+ to include our communities with Allied Disorders - we continue to need more faces! We would like to welcome anyone to share their "face" with CanPKU+. Please include a photo release for this with your submission. Please send the photo, the release, which province you reside in as well as what your rare is. Who knows, you could be used in our next piece of marketing material!

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